Famous Last Words

April 18, 2014 § 2 Comments

You’re on your death bed, so what is the first thing that comes to mind? Will you try and say goodbye or will you bow out with wit? In this video I delved into some of the most personal areas of UOW students minds to find out what their famous last words would be.

Last words are something that can say a lot about a person, their life and their personality so here we find out a little bit about UOW students and their values. Some will bow out with grace, some with wit and some with the hopes of saying goodbye. “I think a famous last gesture would be more appropriate for me.”
Music sourced from iMovie.

Childhood Aspirations

April 18, 2014 § Leave a comment

What were your childhood dreams? From the moments that we could comprehend the future we all had ideas and dreams of what we wanted to be. Whether it was a fictional character or a proper profession as a child there is no doubt some of us had some wild ideas!

In this video I set out to find what the students of UOW’s dreams and aspirations were when they were a child and see what degrees they are doing today. Ranging from Tarzan to an Astronaut we see the students of UOW were big dreamers!

Music sourced from iMovie.

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