Market Day

April 18, 2014 § Leave a comment

Market DayStudents own drawings at UOW market day.

It’s market day at UOW, where all the students as well as local businesses can come to showcase and sell their items. There’s everything from clothes, to DVD’s and CD’s, to artwork and not to mention the food! There are fudge stalls, second hand clothing stalls, hair piece stalls and stalls with student’s artwork.

The markets are a breeding ground of talent and creativity within the student body. It is opportunity for artist of all kinds to show their work and is a much loved and enjoyable day for UOW attendants.

The Sausage Sizzle Plot

April 12, 2014 § Leave a comment

The Sausage Sizzle PlotEngineering students after their BBQ

After a long hard day sizzling sausages the engineering students managed to raise over $100 for an extremely important cause, their beer fund.

As a student money towards adult beverages is a stretch and after tough day at uni everyone deserves a nice cold beer wouldn’t you say? A nice cold beer to drown the sorrows of that exam you just had, or that essay you haven’t started writing yet. These engineering students think so, after a short conversation with them I was informed they were “Going for a beer at the uni bar” with their BBQ earnings. UOW student’s priorities are definitely in order here.

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