A Passion for Prose

April 12, 2014 § Leave a comment

The Writers Nook Ellena Gewargis, 18

Novel length prose and eccentric stories about mythology are what Ellena especially loves to write. Graced with a bubbly, crazy personality and a flair for creative writing, Ellena finds herself a student at UOW studying both Journalism and Creative Writing.

With a degree in Journalism she is hoping to hone in on her writing skills and be able to put them to good use as a foundation for her future career. “I’m learning journalistic writing, and enjoying it.” Like most students, she also states that she works better with deadlines and therefore journalism is that push she needs for her writing to come together.

Historical Hopes

April 12, 2014 § Leave a comment

Historical HopesAmy Scurr , 18

Ancient crypts, undiscovered remains and endangered species. These are the things that brought UOW student Amy to study Media. With a passion for travel, history and animals alike and an Arts degree in photography along with a Communications and Media degree in the works, Amy hopes to secure a position at National Geographic one day photographing ancient archeological sites.

She has also pursued her love for travel by co-authoring the book ‘1001 walks to do before you die’ which includes exactly what the title implies. At only 18 years old she has managed to put her foot in the door of a writing career and get her name out into the world.

New Beginnings

April 12, 2014 § Leave a comment

New BeginningsStephanie Bentley, 26

A broken knee and a desk job was the push that current UOW student Stephanie Bentley needed to pursue her love for Journalism and also for Science at University.

At 19 years old she joined the NSW Police Force and specialised in forensic investigation, with little idea what she really wanted to do with her career. It wasn’t an easy transition to a student as she “started from the beginning again,” selling her house and moving out here on her own.

While she enjoyed the police force Stephanie stated she “wanted more out of a career, more opportunities for advancement and better options.”

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