Tears and Trust Audio Review

August 28, 2014 § Leave a comment

Tears and Trust Audio

The starting point of this audio gets directly to the subject as we learn of his homosexuality, we know instantly where this story is potentially heading. The music that is placed behind the audio on this clip works well, it isn’t overpowering or distractive at all but just soft enough to act as a complimentary background sound. The use of ambient sounds is minimal and in this case it works, the school children laughing capture a sense of atmosphere while the cutlery sounds create some anticipation towards what will happen at the dinner table. I do, however, feel that the cutlery sounds may have been placed a bit early as we do not understand their context right away. 

I feel that the progression of the story and the narrative arch is presented really well as we begin at a low or sad point when he talks about the struggles of coming out before the story lifts itself up and we find ourself at a resolution when he is accepted by his mother. In 2 minutes this story manages to take you on quite an emotional journey and the minimalist approach in sounds means that you are not distracted from the story but rather are quite immersed in it. The ending feels like a completed story and the few extra seconds of music acts as an effective fade out. 

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