Tears and Trust Audio Review

August 28, 2014 § Leave a comment

Tears and Trust Audio

The starting point of this audio gets directly to the subject as we learn of his homosexuality, we know instantly where this story is potentially heading. The music that is placed behind the audio on this clip works well, it isn’t overpowering or distractive at all but just soft enough to act as a complimentary background sound. The use of ambient sounds is minimal and in this case it works, the school children laughing capture a sense of atmosphere while the cutlery sounds create some anticipation towards what will happen at the dinner table. I do, however, feel that the cutlery sounds may have been placed a bit early as we do not understand their context right away. 

I feel that the progression of the story and the narrative arch is presented really well as we begin at a low or sad point when he talks about the struggles of coming out before the story lifts itself up and we find ourself at a resolution when he is accepted by his mother. In 2 minutes this story manages to take you on quite an emotional journey and the minimalist approach in sounds means that you are not distracted from the story but rather are quite immersed in it. The ending feels like a completed story and the few extra seconds of music acts as an effective fade out. 

Audio Reflection on My Subject

August 28, 2014 § Leave a comment

Your first real fling and your first real intimate experience can be daunting, scary amazing and everything else. I chose my subject and her connection to a particular beach and area which ties back to her first real intimate experience. I thought that as the relationship between these two people didn’t work out, that it would be interesting to explore her relationship to this place back then, how she felt on the day and how she saw the place. Then to take her back there and see how her connection to this place had changed or effected by the events that unfolded.

In this piece I hope to communicate how connections can change and also how a place can hold not only a physical and aesthetic connection but how it can be associated with emotions, people and events. To communicate this I hope to get a heightened emotion, starting off happy, taking it into a more sombre mood with the failed relationship and then heightening the mood again as she explains her feelings are not all sad but rather reminiscent. I hope that through this it will also set up her character as quite deep and positive as she is appreciative of even her failed experiences.


First Date Montage

August 18, 2014 § Leave a comment

A secluded beach, surrounded by national park with birds chirping and water flowing. This is the location I chose to focus on with my subject, who chose this romantic little spot for her first date. This place holds both happy and sad memories for her but despite the perils of a love interest gone wrong, she describes the place as completely beautiful none the less. There were many sounds on our trip into the bush and to the beach which I recorded as well as ambient sounds coming from wildlife and also the rain. I feel that it set a really nice tone with these natural sounds and the rain added a sense of tranquility but also of gloom, reflecting on the nature of the date and relationship which went astray. Conveying the beach through sound didn’t prove too hard a task with the obvious sounds of water, pebbles and other sounds associated with the beach being easy to capture. However in trying to record these ambient sounds wind was the hardest factor, using an ipod to record the sounds didn’t give the best quality when it came to intercepting wind. As my location is the beach which often seems to be a windy place, in the future i will take precautions to block out the wind, such as a woollen cover.


First Date audio

August 13, 2014 § Leave a comment

Audio walking to the spot featured in the photos of previous post. Walking over gravel, pebbles and boardwalk on a rainy day.

If unable to see the soundcloud player, listen here.

First Date

August 13, 2014 § 1 Comment







Multimedia Journalism

August 6, 2014 § Leave a comment

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